Good Advice

Do you find this repulsively or something? No. What should be repulsively at

This seems rather harmlessly to me.
It does me sorrow so.
Only because I got color from a man's Ass at the head?
But it was one in the meantime
very famous Ass.

You/they should have seen Your face.
That already was almost cute.

Do you find?
(romantic music)
It is unbelievable,
that you dared this!

Lick me!
Cash Youren paycheck once, otherwise order never comes into my books.
And something should take I as mats for my coffee cup, Steven, then?
You/they create me! Only that they know it!
Then, you suffer silently! Ah, ah.
She/it doesn't want to see you in the moment. Did she/it say this?
So it has understood this me, as she/it said, she/it doesn't want to see you in
the moment.

Cindy got again much mail.
We both knows, my merit is this.

Therefore, I would like to page and doesn't come you for me with a "no ". No!
