Cindy is not the one one, for which you hold her/it/them. I knows.
Oh yes? And from where?
Well, from the letters.
You picked out this there?
I got in the meantime also already letters to the editor. Hear once:
"Dear editor. Cindy asked I for advice because my husband beat me.
She/it gave me clarity, to what family and friends were incapable. All advised
, to rescue my marriage. Cindy advised me to rescue me even. I came thanks to
from the matter out. If I owe already so much to her/it/them, I can only
how she/it helped very much others. God guards you and Cindy. "
She/it is not the human being, for which I held her/it/them. Completely
certainly not.
Cindy helped many people,
, to alter her/its/their life.
And she/it should know this.
This does her/it/them.
Page, I bother you no more.
Cindy says I that she/it of now should send at her/its/their answers per
Can I help them?
Lucy Stone, FOX NEWS.
From the New Yorker office. And you are...?
what you want here astonishes me.
It puts only the woman a few questions,
this seemingly on all an answer has. Cindy doesn't have any lnteresse at
She/it would like to remain rather anonymous.
the editing would call gladly I.
Could I use Your telephone? Certainly.
No, I need an interception-sure solid network management. I understands.