Gosford Park

Unmarried girls don't have breakfast
trays. Not in this house.

I wish I could help.
You can't.
George says Mr. Novello was in on it.
- And Sir William.
The point is, that Henry Denton,
he's an actor.

An actor?
He's playing a butler
in the next Charlie Chan.
Wanted to make it authentic.

I'd say the joke was on Lady Sylvia.
I hope he don't model
his performance on Mr. Jennings,

or he'll be too squiffy
to remember his lines.

Ah, Mrs. Croft, isn't it?
I wonder if I could--

Ah, yes.
Have a few words with you.

- I'm Inspector Thom--
- Oh, I haven't got time for this now.

I'm doing
the breakfast.

It wouldn't take much time. Perhaps
you have a room where we could speak.

Oh, I suppose
you'd better come to my room.

Bertha, I'm leaving you
in charge.

Dorothy, make sure those menus
go up on Her Ladyship's tray.

And get that filthy dog
out of here.

Honestly, these days the countryside's
getting more dangerous than Piccadilly.

But why one of the knives
from the silver pantry?

Doesn't make sense.
He must have forgotten
to bring one.

When you think of
what they have to carry about--

all those jemmies and torches
and skeletonkeys--

it's a miracle anyone
ever gets burgled at all.

Oh, it's glacial in here.
Get my fur, will you?
Anyway, it wasn't in
the silver pantry.

It's been missing
since yesterday.

William had it.

And when the fellow surprised him
there it was,

on the table
as handy as you like.
