Gosford Park

- He isn't Scottish at all.
- No!

I could've told you that.
Who is he, then?
Do you think
he's the murderer?

It's worse than that.
He's an actor.

Yes, I want you to wake him up.
How else do you suggest
I talk to him?

Yes. Right.
Well, what'd he say?

What, he's talking about
Clara Bow again?

Listen, you tell Sheehan I think
Clara Bow is a really nice person,

and she's not coming within
ten miles of my picture.

I don't want her
in the fucking movie.

There is one thing. The bastard's
death may have saved my bacon.

For God's sake, be quiet.
What's the matter with you?

- Oh, are these tomatoes?
- Yes, milady.

That's exactly
what I want.

- Good morning.
- Good morning, dear.

Have you heard?
It's too tiresome. That frightful
inspector won't let anyone leave.

So we're to be treated
to another day of Mr. Weissman
shouting down the telephone.

He has some problems with his work
in Los Angeles, I'm afraid.

Well, I must say,
he conducts his affairs very oddly.

Coming downstairs just now,
I thought I'd been transported
to a bar in Marseilles.

Jennings? Excuse me. I'm sorry.
I'm expecting
a really important telephone call.

- Will you get me
the second it comes through?
- Very good, sir.

And I'd like, uh, oh,
tomato and eggs. Thank you.

Of course, sir, but...
perhaps you would prefer to
choose for yourself, sir?

What do you mean,
like cafeteria style?

The Englishman is never
waited on at breakfast.

Well, that's interesting.

Because an American is.

I'm going to
make a note of that.

Good morning.
Good morning.
