Hi, I'm Cordell Doemling,
Mr Verger's private physician.
How do you do?
If you'd be so kind
as to park down at the end.
One's eyes adjust to the darkness.
Mr Verger,
Agent Starling is here.
Good morning, Mr Verger.
Was that a Mustang
I heard out there?
Yes, it was.
Cordell, I think
you can leave us now.
I thought I might stay.
Perhaps I could be useful.
You could be useful
seeing about my lunch.
I'll attach this microphone to your
clothing or pillow, if that's okay.
By all means.
Here, this should make it easier.
You know, I thank God...
for what happened.
It was my salvation.
Have you accepted Jesus,
Agent Starling?
- Do you have faith?
- I was raised Lutheran.
That's not what I asked.
This is Special Agent
Clarice Starling, 51 43690...
deposing Mason R. Verger on March 20,
sworn and attested.
I want to tell you about summer camp.
It was a wonderful childhood experience.
- We can get to that later.
- We can get to it now.
You see, it all comes to bear.
It was a Christian camp
my father founded...
for poor, unfortunate, cast-off
little boys and girls...