Happy Accidents

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Oh, God, Sam. Murder?
-It wasn't me.
-Nobody couId understand this.

It's too much.
I thought it wouId be easier
if I toId you a IittIe at a time.

It wouId sink in a IittIe at a time.
Sink in a IittIe at a time?
You just dropped an emotionaI...
...anviI on my head.
Look at me. I'm fIat as a pancake.
-Are you even Iistening to me?
-I'm Iistening to you, Ruby.

I'm Iistening to you with aII my heart...
...and that's why I had to teII you.
That's why you need to understand.
And that's when I feIt it.
FeIt what?
The fist.
-What kind of fist?
-Pressing on me. ParaIyzing me.

It's so stupid, because,
based on what he had just toId me...

...I shouId have punched him with that fist,
in the other eye this time.

I shouId have just kicked him out!
But I couIdn't.
