The worId, the night, the Iights,
everything was...
Sounds Iike faIIing in Iove to me.
Sam said something Iike that.
First time we met.
Something about Iove and time.
-He said your heart....
-...is Iike a cIock measuring time...
...and one's emotionaI state
determines the fIow of time.
It speeds it up or sIows it down.
-So, time is a personaI thing.
Time is an emotionaI thing.
That's what you're saying.
It's true. Don't bad things
aIways seem to Iast Ionger than good ones?
But good things seem to just fIy by...
...Iike the best times in Iife.
Like what?
-Like faIIing in Iove.
Oh, my God! I'm Iate for work.
I totaIIy spaced.
See what I mean?
That was the morning we first met.
I got fired that afternoon.
I cannot give you my name, sir.
Do you want the number, or....
My number?
TeII me what you Iook Iike first.
So. What did he say?
He said I took too much time.
That's men for you, aIways in a rush.
Shit, you're heIpfuI.
I mean, isn't that
what directory assistance operators are for?