The artist.
Are you Ieaving me?
Or are you Ieaving my work?
The bad actor.
Don't come crying to me
when I'm famous and you're, Iike:
''Ned, pIease take me back.'' It's over.
The fetishist.
I shouId have expected this.
It's happened before.
The Frenchman.
The junkie.
Okay, enough.
I'm not fixing anymore.
I'm not in that business anymore.
My fixing days are over.
TeII that to your therapist, you kook.
That's what she teIIs me to say.
I'm sorry about the job, baby.
-I've got one question for you.
Do the words ''Jesus Christ''
mean anything to you?
-I'm a painter. I paint.
-What, houses?
I'm a reaI painter. I'm having a big show
in a coupIe of months.
-How you doing?
-AII right. You?
Great. Have you seen me
since this happened?
Pretty good?
I've been doing a Iot of Iifting weights.
Doing a Iot of free-weights,
isometrics, my body fat's way Iow.
So, what was it Iike?
What was it about him?
For God's sake, swing it around here.
-Starboard. Right.
That's Victor.
His sister went down in the "Titanic".
He aIways taIks about it.
-She went down on the "Titanic".
-I know. I remember.
OId foIks are great.
You shouId hear the stories.
-You an artist?
-No. It's just a hobby.
KiIIs time.
What was it about him?
Maybe it was his manner.