ActuaIIy, I've never Ieft Dubuque before.
What brings you to New York?
Job at the UN?
-Job at the United Nations?
I came here three months ago and....
Are you okay?
I'm sorry.
You don't have to say anything...
...if it makes you uncomfortabIe.
Do you Iike music?
-Yeah. Doesn't everybody?
-I Iove music.
-You're not a drummer, are you?
-No. I Iike to Iisten to it.
WouId you Iike to Iisten to music with me
tomorrow night?
Come up for a sec. I'm aImost ready.
-Hi. I'm ready.
Are you ready to rock?
You know, if you toId me you wanted
to just Iisten to music...