...I do have a CD pIayer.
The man said these were warmer.
Can you do this?
You Iook great.
I thought that we were gonna go out, so I...
...dressed up.
Is this typicaI of your musicaI taste?
I Iove this.
This is....
What do you caII this?
French MerIot.
Don't sound French to me.
Do you want to dance to this
French MerIot with me?
-This is Iike an "Art of War" thing, right?
You just confuse your foe,
and then you move in fast for the kiII?
Come on. Life is short.
-What are you on? Ecstasy?
Why are you so happy?
'Cause I'm here with you.
But you don't even know me...
...at aII.
I'm sorry.
It's just that where I'm from,
courting rituaIs are...