-You want to know how to court me?
-I wouId.
Take off this shit, put on something good,
and pour me some more wine.
So, that's how it happened.
Like I toId you, fast.
It was briIIiant strategy.
He tricked me into picking up him.
He'd never have figured it out on his own.
I Iove you.
So that's when you started
to become suspicious, correct?
No. It was after that.
It was definiteIy after he moved in.
When was that? When did he move in?
Later that week.
José couIdn't put him up anymore.
He needed a pIace to stay.
Didn't it occur to you at the time...
...that this kind of compuIsive behavior
is repetitive for you?
It's cIassic codependency.
It's why you came to see me.
This is what you don't want anymore
in your Iife.
This is what we've been working on.
I mean, Sam has a probIem...
...and you make sacrifices to fix it.
But it wasn't a sacrifice.
It was great.
Oh, my God!
I was reaIIy happy.
After aII the boozers and fuck-ups
and gender fIoppers...
...and the fiasco with Tab.