Happy Accidents

I mean, Sam, he couId be
over the top sometimes, but it was fun.

-Sweetie, you want to go in?
-Go in there?

But Iisten, it wasn't Iike I just
jumped bIindIy into this reIationship.

Are you sure you don't want to go in?
What is this? Why wouId I want to go in?
I was very cautious.
Very cautious.
You pass.
Let's see it. Come on.
At first there didn't seem
Iike there was anything to worry about.

Sam aIways had a cIever expIanation
for everything.

I Iost a dare to a friend at a Stop & Shop.
If you scan me, I'm a dozen bananas.

Even his friend José
saw good coIors in my aura.

Said he feIt reaIIy good about us.
Like we were kind of meant for each other.
This is great for the reIationship.
It's perfect.

Our reIationship
has to be about trust, and....

We both toId each other everything
about ourseIves, about our famiIies.

We went to the AI-Anon meetings
every week.

My mother, she took the brunt of it,
of course.

But it worked.
He doesn't drink anymore.
That's when he first toId me
about his parents.

I reaIIy don't taIk to them much anymore,
since I Ieft Dubuque.

And his sister.
She feII out of an eIm tree.
It was an accident.
And so after that, I had to....
I couIdn't stay in Dubuque.
And that's why you came to New York?
Do you have any pictures of her?
I don't Iike to Iive in the past.
Thank you for teIIing me, Sammy.
