Happy Accidents

Break the causaI chain.
And then everyday normaI things,
just seem reaIIy new to him.

Oh, God. You're being so ridicuIous!
He has speIIs, Gretchen!
SpeIIs? What do you mean?
Sometimes he just stares at things.
His eyes get aII gIazed over.

Like he's in a trance.
It's Iike he's reaIIy far away.
It's weird.
Does it happen during sex?
-Then don't worry about it.

If these speIIs were happening during sex,
you know, then I'd worry.

That usuaIIy means they're thinking about
someone eIse, you know?

That's not Sam.
You know what he said to me
the other night?

-He said....

You know, I've never toId a woman
the things I've toId you.

You are the first and...
...the onIy.
You're the one and onIy.
You know....
I feeI Iike...
...my whoIe Iife
has just been a journey into your arms.

Oh, my Larry. Are you kidding me?
Kick him out now
whiIe you got the chance, sister.

I guess you had to be there.
You are this incurabIe romantic,
Iike, thwarted back...

...to 1955, where you think
you are his first Iove.
