Happy Accidents

To find your face.
My God, I'm gonna cry.
He was going to kiII himseIf.
He gave up aII he had in the future
to traveI through time to find me.

It's one of the most romantic, crazy,
fucked-up Iies a guy has ever toId me.

So, what did you say?
How do you respond to that?

Oh, my God!
I didn't have time to.
It hit me I'd made arrangements for us
to have dinner at my parents' that night.

The one night I need to be on my toes.
I feeI so good about having come out.
We can be more honest with each other.

Just once, I wanted to impress them.
EspeciaIIy after that fiasco with Tab.

HeIIo, Theodore.
Listen, we're here, and I'm assuming
you're not going to say anything to them.

No. That wouId vioIate protocoI.
Strict ruIes of conduct for back-traveIers.
You never reveaI your identity,
where you're from or your name.

It's absoIuteIy forbidden.
Okay, so this is new.
Sam is not your reaI name?

-It's not.

What is your reaI name?
It's in binary code,
so it might not make sense.

But if you reaIIy want to know,
it's 01 1 1 1001 1 ...

...1 1001 10001 10.
Just Iike on my bar code and my chip.
My contact gave me ''Sam Deed.''

That's S-A-M, three. D-E-E-D, four.
That's three- and four-name combos.
AII back-traveIers have that...

...so we can identify each other,
aIso so we can avoid each other.
