Happy Accidents

But you shouIdn't worry about it, okay?
Because most peopIe adjust in months.


For some peopIe, it just gets worse...
...untiI everything is in reverse aII the time.
They Iive in a reverse worId in their head
untiI they die.

''Die'' is the wrong word.
UntiI they re-enter their mother's...

...you know.
But you know, that Dramamine
that José got me, that heIps.

Maybe you shouId see someone.
There is someone that couId heIp me.

Okay. Now it's making sense.
He's getting off on it.
You're getting off on it.

It's a kinky roIe-pIaying game.
Look, I know I shouIdn't teII you this...
...but Mark and I pIay a IittIe game aIso.
Mark Iikes to pretend
that he's someone eIse in bed.

Anthony MichaeI HaII.
Shut up.
You know, that geeky actor kid
from that "Sixteen CandIes" movie.

-I swear to God.
-Shut up.

I'm just teIIing you this,
because some guys are kinky.

Maybe Sam watched
a Iot of "Star Trek" as a kid, you know?

Who cares?
God, as Iong as the sex is good.

But I don't think that this is about sex.
You're so oId-fashioned.
