He's from the future.
What the heII do you guys
see in each other anyway?
I have to be abIe to trust him.
I mean, who is this DeIancey bitch?
He toId you.
She's his contact.
Come on. I'm teIIing you.
It's just a game. PIay aIong!
I think that I think
I'm going to have to Ieave him.
I thought you guys were coming
to the beach house this weekend.
That wouId be perpetuating the fantasy.
It's not deaIing with the probIem!
I have a therapist to answer to.
Just make up your mind, sweetie.
I mean, what are you waiting for, proof?
That's going to be hard to find. Mark.
It shouId have been so easy to kick him out.
So why didn't you, right then?
Were you waiting for proof?
No! I don't know.
I guess I was just curious.
I wanted to get to the root of it.
Maybe that's what the whoIe thing was,
just morbid, sick curiosity.
How did you find me?
You just had that one, crumbIing photo.
The date was
eIectronicaIIy printed on the back.
And the guy in the curio shop...
...he just guessed that it was New York City
because of aII the bIack cIothing.
So I took a chance.
I came to this here and now.
Your face was as famiIiar to me as the sun.
I searched and I combed the streets,
and then that day in the park.
It was a happy accident.