Hatuna Meuheret

Stop moaning
and jump in here with me!

I have news for you, Tarzan.
I'm no Jane!

I toId you: the head first.
Why won't you rinse me off?
Is big baby crying?
Does he have soap in his eyes?

Let the water run from above!
Not Iike that.
Above my head, I said!

WiII you just Iet me
get the soap out?

Give me that!
Shit, shit, shit!
You Iike to see me suffer,
don't you?

Why did you drag me here?
You shouId have asked for the address.

We're here.
Let's say heIIo at Ieast.

I'm sick and tired
of doing this.

I toId you, Iet me be.
I do fine on my own.
Admit that your Iife's a mess.
I run my Iife as I want to.
Heard his tone?
How did you get so fat?
It's easy...
She eats right out of the pots.
Peace be with you, my boy.
StiII covered in soap!
Sorry to disappoint you,
but it won't kiII me.

How are you?
Frisky as ever?

With what she puts me through!
You're in good hands.
What does that jackass want?
You can have her!
She's ruining my Iife!
