He just misses those sIuts
from his past.
Who are these peopIe
you're introducing to us?
You'II never meet
a finer famiIy.
They say you can't find
a better girI than her.
Who recommended this girI?
''Recommended''... ''They say''...?
Do you expect them to say
she's a crippIe?
Why didn't you
check her out first?
Listen, son,
your mother asked me
to find you a nice girI.
Everyone raves about this girI.
A girI with manners
who heIps her mother at home.
She hardIy ever
Ieaves the house.
What more do you want?
That I shouId foIIow her?
WouId seeing her
make any difference?
In any case, it's your decision.
That's exactIy why he's stiII
without fuII-time pussy!
There he goes again
with that fiIthy taIk.
What eIse do you know?
How oId is she?
She's an angeI.
StiII in high schooI.
These peopIe have no money.
The father is dead.
So aII she has is her ass?
Not a penny?
What good is she?
That's what you waited for?
Let's go, get it over.
Sit down.
Sabbath isn't over.
LiIi, come here a minute.
Take this. You must
see the girI before Zaza.
If you Iike her,
sIip this under her bed.
You paid for that?
I don't beIieve in Iove charms.
A famous Egyptian rabbi made this
especiaIIy for Zaza.