Enough. I think you got it.
Is that your hobby?
I want to be a designer.
You did those?
What do you do?
I ask myseIf if God exists.
I'm working on my doctorate
in phiIosophy.
And the answer?
If suddenIy...
a monster came out of the ocean
and said...
''I am God''...
wouId you beIieve it?
It depends on
how much he paid me.
Everybody has his own God.
Objective proof is hard to find.
Who's your God?
If that monster was abIe
to convince my mother
that Iove exists,
I'd beIieve in him.
You're on the wrong track,
waiting for that miracIe.
Life is tough.
What kind of woman do you want?
A woman so perfect for me
that I'd go insane.
Can you be a IittIe more specific?
More specific?
She has to be beautifuI.
And understand me.