Hatuna Meuheret

- Who is it?
- Dooby.

I know it's you, Dooby.
- Did you teII her it was you?
- No.

- It's too earIy.
- Too bad.

She's not asIeep yet.
So what? I'm coming over.
- This is Haim. Give me your Mommy.
- You're Dooby!

No, Haim.
I'm sorry.
When does she go to bed?
I don't know.
CaII back in an hour.

Who is it?
MargaIit, open up!
It's me, LiIi.

What's wrong? Everything aIright?
I forgot our keys in Zaza's car.
WeII, at Ieast it made you
finaIIy visit us.

Zaza dropped us off
and God knows where he is.

Does it matter?
You're not out on the street.

They saw Abraham's niece
in Kiryat Yam.

Did you cIose the deaI?
Nothing is gained by rushing.
It's a disgrace to the whoIe famiIy
that this boy
stiII isn't married at 31 .

I don't know what eIse to do.
I've tried everything.
