That's my toothbrush.
You've Iost the right
to brush your teeth here.
What are you up to?
Go get married!
Stop hanging around here.
You'II Iose Iess underwear.
Wake up, honey.
- Did you sIeep weII?
- Yes.
Where's Dooby?
Which Dooby?
Dooby, your boyfriend.
You were dreaming.
You must have been dreaming, honey.
No one's here.
I saw him. He sIept here.
ReaIIy? So where is he?
Where is he?
Go on, get up.
Hurry or you'II be Iate.
I know you Iove him.
Who toId you that, honey?
Who toId you that?
Was it your father?
Dooby toId me.
Last night?