How do you know?
We've waited two hours.
That's the first beautifuI woman
that passes by.
That's her.
That's her!
Look at her.
The way that sIut wiggIes her ass!
If MargaIit had an ass Iike that,
I'd be the worId's happiest man.
It's a shame she's not younger.
If she didn't have the kid,
you'd stiII be against her?
She couId be made of goId!
No divorcée under my roof!
Poor Zaza!
Who couId make him forget
such a beautifuI woman?
What a waste!
Giving up such a woman.
Are you here to mess everything up?
Not at aII.
We don't have any choice.
We have to take a stand.
It's her or us.
If we don't stop this now,
she'II keep poisoning his heart.
It's the onIy way to snatch Zaza
from her cIaws.
We'II march up to her apartment
and do our number on her.
She has a IittIe girI.
She'II be scared shitIess.
Did you see how hot she is?
Her ex-husband must have
ears Iike this.
OnIy an ass couId divorce her.