This place is amazing.
Holly Payton.
Oh, Amanda Pierce.
The rent's $500.
You can pay cash,
check, money order, cash--
Could I see the room first?
Here it is.
It looks like a closet.
Closets don't have windows.
Besides, this...
is the closet.
I mean, how much room do you need to sleep?
But shoes, they need their space.
Now, we have a lot of people interested,
so what is it that you do?
Oh, I work over--
You work?
I like you.
Did I mention you're in the lead for the apartment?
- Hey.
- Oh, you're back.
- Ooh!
- This is Amanda. She works.
Amanda, this is Roxana Miloshslah--
- It's nice to meet you.
- You know what's nice? Paying the rent, that's what.
G'day. I'm Candi. With an "I."
- Mm. Amanda.
- I had a pet dingo named Amanda once.
- A pet dingo?
- Yeah, but me dad backed over her with a tractor.
I was find in' pieces of her all summer--
tops of trees, my little sister's hair--
Thank you, Candi. This is Jade.
Oh, God, not the ring.
Wow. That's an incredible
diamond. You engaged?
No, it would take
a lot more carats than this.
You're not a smokergirl, are you?
That's how we all got put together.
We are the last four non smoking models...
on the whole island of Manhattan.
Oh, my God.
You're all models.
Oh, don't envy us. We're struggling.
- In this apartment?
- Our agency lets us stay here for free.
We like to rent the extra closet -- room--
for spending money.