No, no, no.
I do got some frostbite
in some very weird places.
You've got your whole
life to make it upto me.
And I'm going
to start right now.
Yeah? OK.
Oh, my God,
I'm going to be sick.
Just give me a minute, baby.
I'll be right back.
No, no, no.
There's no rush.
No rush.
Look, I got to stop
by the office...
before we leave
for Barbados any way.
That'll give you some
time tofreshen up.
Let me give you
a quick kiss good-bye.
No! No, no, no.
That's OK,that's OK.
I--I'm late.
I'll see you in
an hour, maybe two.
Here. Put it
over here on the rack.
Hey! What the--?
-Nice security.
-Sorry, boss.
I--I went to bed
late last night.
But nothing
compared to you, huh?
Yeah. Is the Mercedes ready?
Yeah,yeah,just about.
We switched the VIN,
and Wendy's making...
the pink slip for
you to sign upthere.
All right.
That's a great
wedding present, boss.
Angela's going to go
nuts for it, huh?
Maybe not as nuts as
she went last night, huh?
Hey, boss,was
she worth the wait?
Come on--
Hey, hey, hey!
We're talking
about my wife here.
A man's wedding night is his
own private, sacred business.
It's not to entertain
lowlife scum like youse guys.
Angela's got
to be an animal.