
I distinctly said the blue.
-It worked, didn't it?
-You were lucky.

I was good.
Excuse me.
I wonder if I could ask
your help for a moment.

I'm trying to find Route 40.
Route 40?
Well,you're on it.

That's it.
Where is it?

There. See that black thing...
with the lines on it,
the cars going?

I'm so embarrassed.
I'm so sorry.
I didn't know
where it was.

Thank you so much.
My pleasure.
Sorry to trouble you.
It's OK.
Forget it.
You're not going
to kill yourself...

and stink up my new car.
Our new car.
Hey! Mom.
I only do these things
because I love you, Page.

How was the wedding?
Like all my weddings.
Have you any idea
what that meat...

is doing to your arteries?
Haven't you heard?
dissolve cholesterol.

No cards, Page.
This is a classy place.
It relaxes me.
So? How did we do?
Not too bad.
How not too bad?
Plus the car.
That's it?
For that I lived 4 months in
a crap hotel without cable?

Ugh, I'm so sick of this
small-time bullshit.

Plus, I had to kiss
that greasy mook.

Dean wasn't so bad.
Any way,we'll make more
in the next one.

I'm thinking Seattle.
Maybe San Francisco.
Mom, remember our deal?
