That bitch.
You know,this is,
like,the eighth frame...
we've gone through
in a week.
Maybe it's time
to retire this picture.
Why the hell can't I stop
thinking about her?
Was it the legs?
She had amazing legs.
Give me that!
Or maybe it was
that she dumped you...
'cause that's never
happened before.
Who the hell does
she think she is?
She thinks she can do this
to me and just walk out?
Well, she's wrong!
I'm gonna find her.
And then?
Then I'm gonna take care of it.
Dr. Arnold Davis.
Made huge money
when an old uncle died...
45, pretty good shape.
Who's the old bag?
His mom.
She lives with him.
Forget it. He's taken.
Mama's boy.
We can get around her.
Pass. Mothers are death.
Can't argue that.
David D. Cummings...
760 million.
E-commerce stuff...
just ended
marriage number3.
Very big on ironclad prenups...
and as you can see,
massive competition.