What are you doing here?
You some kind of wilderness
female mud wrestler?
I am an environmentalist
studying the effect...
of waste run of from
the neighboring wetlands.
you environmentalists
really dress hot.
there's no law that says
you can't look good...
while you're saving stuff.
So,why are you following me?
-I'm not following you!
-Then what are you doing here?
Come on, I'll show you.
You're not out here burying
high-school kids, are you?
Well,they egged my car.
What do you do?
Spy on people humping in boats?
That's so perverted.
I photograph stars.
Look,just because
they're famous...
doesn't mean they don't deserve
their privacy,too.
Who you got?
The stars upthere.
You sneak all the way out here
to stare at space and shit?
No, I come here to get away
from the lights of the city...
so I can see
the space and shit.
-Take a look.
That's the Crab Nebula.
That is the exact color
of a sapphire ring I wanted.
And this...
is the great
globular cluster in Hercules.
I don't think
I want to see that.
Good cluster.
And I think you can also see
the Corona Borealis,too.
Wait,wait, I'm not done
with the globularthing.