Allergy season, I think.
Well, it's no problem at all...
But please, call me Allison.
Allison, l--
I just have a few
questions to ask you.
Do you smoke,Allison?
Well, uh...
we gotta go!
She said she'd be
a little late.
20 minutes
is not a little.
We've entered
Then I worked for
the English Ambassador...
to Turkey for 4 1/2 years,
until they shot him.
Oh,they shot him?
But I kept cleaning...
right up until they
burned the embassy down.
Well,that was very loyal.
So,when should I start?
If you could just...
fill out
this application form...
then I can, uh...
verify your employment.
Oh, certainly.
Oh! Oh!
Oh, I'm terribly sorry.
I'll get towel.
Y-You seem very dedicated
to your work,Allison.
Something inside me--
this need to please my employer
in any way possible.
Here is towel.
And I find other
employment form.
I-l don't think
that'll be necessary.
Allison seems...
more than qualified.
Hmm, it's still wet.