And I'm gonna believe
the seed of Satan?
Skank, give me
the keys to my car.
Give me the keys
to the Mercedes.
That's it.
I can't believe it.
I can't believe this.
I've blown both our lives.
I'm sorry, Page.
I'm a terrible person.
I'm a terrible mother.
I'm a terrible everything.
You're finally
seeing things clearly.
What the hell
are you doing?
You want money?
The guy who wants to marry me is
worth 1.5 in a divorce.
She's just gonna
screw with him again.
I'm sorry.
I was just wondering...
how long you're
gonna stay this time.
I know that
I've been horrible...
but all this talk
about love and marriage...
it can make anyone act freaky.
I know that I must seem
like a mean, selfish bitch...
No,you seem like
the sweetest...
most wonderful person
I've ever met.
What a moron.
beer wholesaler...
I have an announcement.
Jane and I
are getting married.
That is awesome!