
The job's set up, you understand?
We did the job, my partners and me.
Hey, fuck you and fuck your partners.
I'm your partner. Without me
you've got, what? Little Lambsy Divy.

- I bankroll this job on your say-so.
- I drove here, I didn't take the bus.

- Fuck you, go back to prison.
- What'd I tell you?

I don't think so.
- Guess again.
- You stay the fuck down.

Want to play OK Corral?
Wanna dress up and play?

Is that the thing?
Is that it?

Give me that fucking bag!
Your weight and your fate right here.
Your weight and your fate right here.
- Bag's empty, Bobby.
- What?

The bag is empty.
Put the bag down, it's empty.
Want me to pull up a chair
while you rape me?

If you'd pause in your
headstrong progress...

Joe, I'm in hock for all the toys.
All the toys you said go out
and buy. Two trucks, the plane.

- You said spend the money.
- What do you want?

I want you to do the other thing.
You screwed me.
Now my face is on a cereal box.

You got no money!
You're burnt and busted.

What the fuck does it take
to get you to do the other thing?

Excuse me, Mr. Bergman
asked you a question.

Excuse me,
my uncle asked you a question.

- Fuck your uncle.
- Fuck my uncle? You're the help.

Yeah, I'm the help, motherfucker.
Why'd the chicken cross the road?
