Listen, it's very simple.
It's several elements.
You got the tow truck.
You got the roadblock.
I can do it, okay? I know the job.
I got the job cold.
You can't cut me loose.
Please, guys. We got a deal here!
Why should we bet on you?
Young, dumb, full of cum.
Leave me bleeding on the side
of the road. "He's just impetuous".
Joe, security truck to the garage.
We beat the tow truck...
What's so fucking funny?
You got no job without me!
You got nothing without this job.
You want to go down south?
You want to go broke?
Without me, you got nothing.
You need the job. You need me!
- You can't take him.
- Okay, I got loose, but...
You cannot take this lame
on the job, Joe!
Can we just go calm here
for a minute?
Go calm?
So, what happened to you now?
I'll tell you what happened to me.
I need a fucking minute
to make a decision.
- Fine.
- Joe, can I talk to you?
- What the hell is it?
- They found the car.
- What car?
- The station wagon. The cops found it.
How could they find it?
I told you to ditch the car.
I stopped off to see my niece.
- Did you wipe it down?
- You saw your niece?
Did you wipe it down?
- I left my clipboard in the car.
- What does this do to the job?
- You left your clipboard?
- My leg was troubling me.
- The job is on the clipboard.
- What about the job?
- The job's on the clipboard!
- Job stands.