High Heels and Low Lifes

You don't understand this,
you don't get it.

What? No, I'II teII you what
I do get - you' d rather stay in here

on other peopIe's Iives

than actuaIIy having one with me!
- Right?
- Yeah.

And I wonder why that is.
This is terribIe. Yeah.
- Love you.
- I Iove you too.

Shut up!
You know nothing of despair!
My despair feII on me Iike a shroud,
and I struggIed to shake it off.

- But in vain.
- Thus, Green Eyes,

Iet me share your misfortune
and turn it into our heaven.

You bastard!
Now I reaIIy am...
aII aIone.
What a piece of crap!
I thought it went quite weII.
You were good.

- Surprise!
- What are you doing here?

- WeII, it was your Iast night.
- Thank God.

I caught the Iast bit,
the end was reaIIy...

- PIease don't.
- OK.

I thought
you were seeing Ray tonight?

I insuIted his equipment
so he's in a huff.

- He ditched you on your birthday?
- Yeah.

- WeII, I'm taking you out.
- No, it's aII right...

- You kidding? It's your birthday!
- OK.

- I'm not drinking, though.
- OK.

- You won't get me drunk.
- They're for me. Perrier for her.

Oh, for God's sakes!
- It's my birthday!
- I'm unempIoyed!

- AII right, sweetheart?
- Back off!
