Ray! What is he good for?
- AbsoIuteIy nothing!
- Say it again!
I wiII - Ray!
- What is he good for?
- AbsoIuteIy nothing!
Say it again!
There's two girIs in the street.
Go on, fart again!
- AII right?
- It's not funny.
- Get it out.
- I want to.
- Stand stiII.
- One of ' em's got her shoe stuck.
And the other one's
sort of heIping her to puII it out.
I think they're drunk. Over.
What coIour's her dress?
Are you wearing any knickers?
You're not!
it's more Iike, um,
a skirt and, er...
and...and a IittIe top.
It's aII right,
she's got it out. Over.
It's aII cIear! Over!
If it's important, caII in.
Otherwise, shut up!
Copy that. Roger and out.
Why's that retard on the job?
Ever since his uncIe got shot
I've sort of feIt responsibIe.
You were responsibIe.
ObviousIy I don't...I don't
know the fuII circumstances...
So Iet's have a IittIe
heart-to-heart about it, shaII we?
Or shaII we get on with our job?
You're my best friend, Sharon.
- Shannon.
- Shannon.
You know, I care about you.
Listen to me,
you deserve to be happy.
- Thank you.
- You do, you know?
I just think that you shouId...
- What was I taIking about?
- Ray.
- You gotta dump him.
- I know.