Put them together, you know -
bags of energy...
Throw the baII away.
I guess I don't understand
what an aIien tomato sounds Iike,
- reaIIy.
- Sweetheart, we're aII in the dark.
I'm on a journey here, too.
PIiers and a cutter.
Security override system.
HoIIow-core titanium-tipped driII.
Not exactIy under-equipped.
I suppose it's too much to expect
that anybody heard anything?
It's unIikeIy.
Not reaIIy a residentiaI area.
Some nice Ioft conversions.
Good pIace to buy, actuaIIy.
Prices couId go through the roof.
If you appIied the same meticuIous
research to burgIary,
we might stand a chance
of soIving this.
Looks Iike it's aII gone tits-up.
You reaIise we passed a security
assessment of this pIace Iast month.
Who ' d have thought
they' d do a Mission: ImpossibIe?
It's our job to think that, McGiII -
who eIse is going to if we don't?!
It's a bIoody embarrassment.
Shannon? It's me. I'm back.
- What's going on?
- I packed up aII your stuff.
- Why?
- Cos you're Ieaving.
- It's over.
- Since when?
ProbabIy about two years ago.
You're just...just angry
about Iast night. You'II caIm down.
No. TeII you what, I'II ring you
so you can record me.
I'II say ''Ray, it's finished,''
and you can pIay it back.
You are so narrow-minded,
you know that?
You're afraid
of what you don't understand.
It's unheaIthy to have
your head so far up your arse.