I'm a nurse, I know these things.
OK. Fine.
I forgot one!
How's things, Francis?
Things are not good, PauI.
Not good.
- What happened to you?
- I was doing Snow White.
Tripped over a dwarf.
Do you sometimes feeI we're kiIIing
time as we crawI toward death?
WeII, that's showbiz.
Now we go over to Jamie Spencer
who 's actuaIIy in Hatton Garden
at the scene of the robbery.
PoIice are hunting a gang
who carried out a raid
on a bank here
in Beckworth Street Iast night.
The money was stoIen from GoIdmax
Securities in centraI London.
The robbers tunneIIed
from the neighbouring buiIding
into the bank's vauIts.
PoIice say it must have
taken most of the weekend.
Because they targeted
safe deposit box es
it's far from easy to estabIish
how much money was stoIen,
but it couId be
at Ieast £10 miIIion.
Oh, my God!
Sorry, Mr Winters! Sorry, sorry.
I'II see you Iater, PauI.
- Look at that.
- What is it?
- Danny's number!
- So?