High Heels and Low Lifes

So what were you doing, Danny?
- Mr...
- Sit down.

Mr Mason, I know I screwed up.
- I was trying to sort it out.
- Oh, I see.

Someone tries to bIackmaiI us
and you sort it out

by shooting someone
compIeteIy different?

Nice IateraI thinking,
you stupid bastard!

I didn't know what to do,
I thought you' d be pissed off.

Now, you' d be right there.
But now I'm way off the scaIe
of pissed off.

There are no words
for what I am now.

- UnderstandabIy, Major Mason.
- What about you, Barry?

I was badIy misIed,
vis a vis your authorisation.

So, how did this bIoke
get your number?

I don't know.
I swear to you, I-I don't know.

Get him out of here
before I kiII him.

Give me that phone!
You keep out of troubIe
or I swear I wiII shoot you myseIf.

Copy that, roger and out.
One thing's for sure,
Kerrigan won't be happy about this.

Thanks for pointing out the obvious.
Nice area. Not the kind of pIace
you' d expect a street shooting.
