Tsering, I told you...
your father will be reborn
in the kingdom Padmasambhava.
It'll take a while for him to get there.
He must fly over hell before
he reaches Buddha's paradise.
Everyone will have to die in the end.
For how long will we stay dead?
All that lives has to die.
It is reborn again and dies again too.
How many lives does it take to become a leader?
We have been leaders for a very long time.
You will be next.
Will you teach me what to do?
Thank you.
Lhakpa defied the mountains.
The mountains haven't done anything to him.
I know them very well.
- You do, but Lhakpa doesn't.
He is my son.
He has inherited my forces.
Your pride and persistance
is what you mean.
You don't know anything.
Karma lied.