The Gods triumph.
Thanks to you my child will live.
You have shattered the heart
of the evil spirit.
The evil spirit has died,
but your daughter isn't safe yet.
Get the doctor over here.
I have more faith in you.
I've been looking everywhere.
Karma's hit the target.
Ask him to teach me how to shoot.
Come on let's go home.
Who will teach me now?
- Don't worry, you're still young.
But I will become the next leader.
With daddy's bow.
- I've thrown it into the river.
Don't cry.
That was a lie. It's in the house.
It's yours now.
Karma was Lhakpa's right hand man.
He is the one that should be leader.
He is experienced.
- He has the strength and knowledge it takes.
I will be leading the caravan.
I've done it a thousand times before.
Lhakpa is dead.
His son Tsering should take over.
He is going alright.
It'll take years
before he makes a good leader.
The gods are on my side.
Tinle, we have faith in you
and in your experience.
But your legs
they're not what they used to be.