Oh, hey, man,
get that car fixed, yo.
Bumbaclot, boy!
[ Car Sputtering ]
[Radio ]
Cisco Kid
was a friend ofmine
Man, get the fuck
outta here, man!
Look at this little-ass
bag of fuckin' weed!
Cisco Kid
[Radio: Reggae ]
Yes, Lord.
[ Sniffs ]
Ooh, damn!
He drink whiskey
Pancho drink the wine
[ Passes Gas ]
Oh! Oh! Oh, shit!
My weed!
Oh! Oh!
No cigar?. No!
[Reggae Continues ]
Fuck! Fuck!
Bitch! Fuck! Fuck!
Bitch! Fuck!
To think thatjammin'
was a thing ofthe--
Got blunt?.
Got weed?.
Man, that shit smell
good as hell, dog.
I'm Jamal.
Peace. Silas.
Say, you tryin' to
get somethin' to bring them
nerves down too, huh, bro?.
Yeah, I figure if I study high,
take the test high, get high scores.
[ Both ]
Look at that car.
Is it on fire?.
Hit that, son.
[ Coughing ]
[ Gagging ]
[ Coughing ]
[ Coughs ]
This is the shit.
That shit is called Ivory.
It's the shit.
That's the Ivory.
That is the shit.
Hey, y'all
pass that, kid?.