How High

One thing it doesn't cure, though?.
Bein' a spoiled little bitch.

I'd likeyou all to do
an experiment on a plant,

something that
may benefit mankind.

And ifyou devise
something groundbreaking,

I guaranteeyou
an "A " in this course.
Class dismissed.

Good work, everyone.
Keep up the good work.
Thank you.

[ Lauren ]
So, he likes plants, does he?

I see still waters run deep.
Please believe.

But wait till you see
my presentation.

You gonna love me after that.
So, Lauren,
you might as well tell him now
and get it over with.

You know.
How you said...

you're startin' to see Bart
for the shallow bastard that he is,

and eventually you're gonna
leave his ass for me.

This semester in Women's Studies,
we will discuss...

how women are objectified
in popular culture,

while the masculine bastards
exploit women's ideas
for great profit,

- then take all the credit.

- Ijust wanna touch you
teaseyou, lickyou
- You have the most amazing...

loveyou, holdyou

Yes, I do.
Make love to you

And I'm gonna kissyou

Taste you, ride you
feelyou deep inside me

Hell, yeah.
So you're playin '
grabby-ass again, huh?

- Ma!
- Did you wash your ass today?.

Aah! Aah!
Damn, Ma! Stop, Ma!

You hi gh yet?.
Hell, no, man.
Maybe not high enough.

Where the hell is he?.
[ Coughs ]

Maybe I ain't
hit it hard enough.

What are you doin' in there?.
Droppin' your kids off at the pool?.

Oh, shit.
Hey, what's up,J?.
Give me five.

Yo, I hate it
when you do that.
I love that funny shit.

- What tookyou so long, man?.
- Biggie and 'Pac, they throwin'
a party, man.
