Isn't that... sweet?.
Look, you got a little
somethin' on your dress.
- My eyes.
- Aha!
Bart, honey, sweetie,
you are just in time...
because I'vejust
finished studying.
I didn't know the two ofyou
were studying in here,
alone, with the lights dimmed,
drinking beer!
Look, Silas, I know
whatyou're trying to do.
You're trying to frick her!
[ Gasps ]
Whatever, Bart-kowski.
Listen, I was just admiring
your girl's, uh, thing.
Oh, well, I guess
I should say ""thanks.""
This is a part
of history, man.
Your girl is doin' somethin'
I thinkyou need to recognize.
- Yeah?. So?.
- Listen, I'm out.
Um, maybe next time
I'll get to study with you.
"Peace"is meant to explain
a state oftranquility.
So why don't you try
thinking of another way
to say ""good-bye,""
now that you're amongst
civilized people?.
Well, Mr. Civilized,
""peace"" can also be used
as a request,
greeting or farewell.
So try to find another way
to be an asshole--
ifyou don't know
your grammar, that is.
Okay, Bart!
Can I get my stuff?.
It was near
the medical library.
I think they said
it was one of those
tick-tocky, blow-uppy,
exploding thingy,
pipe bomb thing-things.
Yeah. Yeah.
Thankyou. You too.
All righty. Bye.
[Sirens Wailing]
"Dooster Principle, "
my ass.