How High

Look, baby, maybe it would be
better ifyou went to school
somewhere down south.

[ Jamal Laughing ]
I thinkyou should
go down south first.

This guy's a real asshole.
I can 't.
I can 't do it, all right?

Bring your ass over here!
We got work to do before
Dean Dickhead gets back.

Come on!

Aren't you worried about
getting kicked out?.

For this?. He ain't gonna
never find out. Relax.

[ Cooing ]
What happened to bird?.
Crazy shitting everywhere?.

Crazy shit, all right,
and it will be everywhere.

- With that, they just won't shit.
- Yeah.

They're gonna blow up.
And, as for you two,
ever since
you arrived on this campus,
there's been several mishaps.

Now my instincts tell me it's you,
but I can't prove it-- not yet.

But I know if
I give you enough time,

pretty soon
you're going to slip up,

and then I'll be able to send you back
to your miserable existence.

What the hell
areyou wearing?
