What the hell are you
doing to that baby?
What's the matter
with the baby, Sam?
is just so tiny, tiny.
Will you come over here
and help me?
You know I can't do that.
What does her mother say?
Her mother said,
"This isn't my life...
"and I didn't want
a baby with you.
"I just needed
a place to sleep."
What if the baby's sick?
Bring her over here.
Sam, babies need food
every two hours.
I'm sorry, Lucy in the sky.
You know...
critics and fools said that
that song...
had some mysterious meaning,
but John always said...
it came from a picture
his son Julian drew...
of his friend Lucy O'Connell.
So I made a good choice?
You made
an excellent choice, Sam.
Now, what time does
this little diamond wake up?