So what makes Sam a good father?
Lucy's first word was "Annie..."
and her fifth word was "Joe."
And I'm Joe.
Sam is a very good father...
because he likes green things...
like I like green things
very much.
I like green peas.
My cousin Luke works for
the organization--
environmental organization
and they like
to save the whales.
I like whales.
"Moby Dick" was one of my
all-time favorite classics...
by Herman Melville.
Why are you recording this?
It's often necessary--
You didn't say anything
about a tape recorder.
- Who's listening?
- Me.
What is that supposed to mean?
Who are you really?
I need to speak
to my lawyer now.
I don't think you realize
what you're up against.
We have to be in court
in three days...
and we don't have
a decent witness.
Now, you've got to know
someone who can testify...
who's been to college...
or has a degree of some kind...
or has some way
of expressing themselves...
that will make the court
believe you deserve...
to get your daughter back.
I need coffee. Big, tall.
Tall is the smallest.
Yeah, of course.
Once you think of this person...
and there has to be one person,
call me at work.
I'm going back there now...
to my seven other cases. What?