In the Bedroom

There you go.
Oh, boy!
You see what happened
to this poor fella?

-Well, look. He lost an arm.

The trap has nylon nets
called "heads".

Two side heads
to let the lobster crawl in.

And inside, what 's called
a bedroom head holds the bait...

and keep him from escaping.
You know the old saying:

"Two's company, three's a crowd"?
Well, it 's like that.

More than two of these in a bedroom
and something like that 's happen.

That 's why Frank can't leave
these traps for more than a day.

Dad. Show him this one.
Now, the older females,
like this old gal...

are the most dangerous especially
when they're growing berries.

-Yeah, eggs.

She can take out two males,
no problem.
