Mr. and Mrs. Adamson?
You can put your shirt back on now.
Yesterday he was up and around
all afternoon...
but today he tumbled.
He's fallen twice, I have all
I can do to get him up.
He's weak.
Said when he couldn't work no more,
he didn't want to live.
So, for awhile he sat
and just mended our nets...
but he can't do that no more.
-How's you dad, Matt?
-Oh, I'm sorry, doctor.
Now, Elwyn, you remember. Jesse
Fowler passed away awhile ago.
We were at his funeral, remember?
Back in an hour, Janelle.
I forgot my lunch.
Starting to become a habit.
You just missed him, Matt!
He went home for lunch today.
Right. I forgot,
he's got an interview.
Yeah, Dad.
What are you doing here? I thought
you were in Boston for an interview.
No. It was rescheduled.
Hi, Dr. Fowler.
Oh, hi.
Where are the boys?
They're with my mom.
Do you like coleslaw?
Have some more.
You sure?