In the Bedroom

What Mack was trying to achieve
was a common area in the center.

Large open spaces
aren't unique to Mack...

but the idea of
separating the family...

so that the parents were on one side
and the kids are on the other side.

So they all spill into the center.
It 's brilliant. It 's...

I'm boring you, aren't l?
I was just thinking.
About what?
About you.
What if I wait ayear?
-A year won't make a difference.
-You can't do that, Frank.

Why not?
I've thought a lot about this.

I have, and...
No. You...
You told me it takes forever
just to establish yourself.

So what 's ayear in forever?

That 's twisted logic.
Do you know what Duncan
said to me today?

You wouldn't be changing
the subject, would you?

He said, "Frank, I don't think
Jason really understands girls".

-Oh, he didn't.
-He did.

Understands girls.
What did you say?
I just didn't know
what to say to that.

I said, "Give him time, Duncan,
he'll come around".

If this is how he is now,
then we're in trouble.
