In the Bedroom

You're right. My choice is
not to scream at the world.

Maybe one of us
has to be reasonable here.

Gee, Matt...
I don't know about you,
but I miss my son.

I'm glad you have time for reason.
That 's what you imparted to Frank,
that sense and reason.

He thought you were
very reasonable.

What are you talking about?
Are you saying that l...
that I'm the one responsible?
Is that it? Well...
Iet me tell you something. Let me
tell you: you got it backwards!

I know what you think,
that I was too lenient!

-That I let him get away with...

-And why didn't he come to you?
-He wouldn't listen to me!

-No, he wouldn't!
-He didn't trust me.

-Because you never listened to him.
-No, but you did.

You were winking at him the
whole time. You encouraged him.

You wanted what he had. Her.
-My God, you've gotta be kidding!
-You know it!

You wanted it and you couldn't get
it. That 's why you didn't stop him.

So you could get your kicks
through your son.

You can't admit the truth
to me or to yourself...

that Frank died for your
fantasy piece of ass!

You want to know why our son
is dead? You really want to know?

He was with her not because of me.
He went there because of you.

Yes, he did.
Because you are so controlling...
