He smiled.
It 's okay, it 's okay.
-Honey, you coming to bed now?
-Soon. Matt 's still here.
Oh, well... Well, hi, Matt.
Honey, when you come to bed,
would you bring me my pills?
They're on the top shelf
from where the kids were here.
-All right.
-Thanks, dear.
I never thought about bail.
I thought I wouldn't have
to worry about him for years.
You know what I heard?
He's tending bar up to
Old Orchard Beach for a friend.
You notice even the worst
bastards have a friend?
Nobody knows him there...
If they do, they don't care.
They drink what he mixes.
I hate him, Matt.
My boys went to school with him.
He was the same.
Know what he'll do?
Five years at the most.
Yeah, I know.
Remember the woman
about seven years ago?
Shot her husband and
dropped him off the bridge...
with a 100-pound sack of cement...