as well as the distinguished
Wharton professor of literature,
who has the great good fortune
of being married to her.
I need to say no more about her
for good wine needs no bush.
But she will not
mind comparison
with, say, a really fine
vintage Claret.
Dame Iris will speak to you
about the importance
of education.
Education doesn't
make you happy,
and nor does freedom.
We don't become happy just
because we're free, if we are,
or because we've been educated,
if we have,
but because education
may be the means
by which we realise
we are happy.
It opens our eyes,
our ears...
tells us where delights
are lurking...
convinces us that there
is only one freedom
of any importance whatsoever...
that of the mind...
and gives us the assurance,
the confidence,
to walk the path our mind...
our educated mind... offers.
## I shall tell him
all my love #
# All my soul's adoration #
# And I think he will hear me #
# And will not say me nay #
# It is this
that gives my soul #
# All its joyous elation #
# As I hear
the sweet lark sing #
# In the clear air
of the day ##
Yes, of course,
there's something fishy
about describing
people's feelings.
You try hard to be accurate,
but as soon as you